Trouble shooting: Thunderbird email attachments

Client’s see WINMAIL.DAT attachments in Thunderbird but in Outlook they open fine

Dynamic sends invoices and statements to clients’ by email.  This is a great time saving feature but sometimes problems occur.

One such problem is the display of the attached PDF in Thunderbird.

What is this?

This not a Dynamic issue.  The issue is experienced by Thunderbird users who received PDF invoices sent by Dynamic.

The problem is with Thunderbird.

Any PDF sent as an attachment will be treated in this way by Thunderbird.

Who gets this?

The problem described here is typical for Thunderbird users and the same email, with attachment, forwarded to an Outlook user will not report the same problem.

Why is this important?

Never open untrusted attachments.

Clients may complain that they do no receive invoices sent to them by email.

The attachment is normally named invoice_123456789.pdf – and in standard PDF format.

Thunderbird users may report that they do not see a PDF attachment.  The attachment may appear as a winmail.dat attachment.


The solution lies with Thunderbird.  Please install the LookOut plugin for Thunderbird.

Download LookOut for Thunderbird

Never open untrusted attachments.

Additional information for this issue:

From Mozilla Help for Thunderbird:

When people send messages from incorrectly configured Microsoft Outlook email clients, a file attachment called winmail.dat may be added as an attachment to the message. This file contains formatting information for messages that use Microsoft’s proprietary TNEF standard and any attachments sent with the original message. The file is not recognized by other email clients. Because of this, any attachments sent with the original message are not displayed in Thunderbird’s message pane.



Trouble shooting: DDE Server error


Unable to Shutdown Due to a DDE Server Window: Explorer.exe Application Error

Some users have experienced Cannot connect to DDE Server errors.

What is this?

This is a print related issue.

The problem appears to be a local software issue. It is typically associated with print jobs and print queues.

The problem may simply be out-of-date software.

Who gets this?

This error typically occurs when the Print icon is clicked to generate a PDF report.

The good news is that the problem is not caused by DynamicLTA. 🙂

Why is this important?

General inquiries can be made on screen. For any external reports a print out is required. The DDE Server error indicates that it is not possible to generate the report, or display the PDF containing the report. The system will keep on working, but printing reports will not be possible.


Please note that Microsoft recommends a clean boot or re-installing software.

We recommend that you uninstall your default PDF Reader software and install an upgrade. For example, you may have an older version of Adobe Reader on your computer, which for some reason no longer functions as expected. Uninstall this version and install the most recent version, such as Reader 11. This will upgrade the Reader to version 11 and is expected to resolve the DDE Server error.

DynamicLTA is designed to work with any standard PDF reader, meaning you may use the Reader of your choice.

Download PDF Readers here:
