How to get back Outlook 365

Everyone can now download the new Outlook, but be warned, new Outlook is a freeware lightweight app and replaces Microsoft’s previous Mail app.

If all you need is a lightweight mail client, please go ahead and use new Outlook.

Outlook 365 is not the same as new Outlook.

The Heavyweight at work

However, if you rely on the business friendly infrastructure of classic Outlook, available as part of Microsoft Office 365, please uninstall Mail and new Outlook and use only classic Outlook. Classic Outlook is the workhorse of modern business. It forms part of the Office suite of products, which allows shared resources between MS Word and MS Excel. This ability to integrate shared resources is what gives classic Outlook it’s real power. Power that new Outlook and the Mail app lack.

The content below is curated from the Microsoft answers site. Note that Microsoft 365 must be installed for the fix below, to work.

I understand that you are not fond of the interface or features of the new Outlook. Since you haven’t provided specific details, may I ask if you would like to use Mail or the classic version of Outlook instead? Please note that these are three separate applications, and there is no upgrade or replacement relationship between them.

Both Mail and new Outlook are free applications that can be downloaded directly from the app store. If you have a 365 subscription, it is strongly recommended that you use the classic version of Outlook, as it offers more features.

You can find instructions on how to switch back to the classic version of Outlook at this link: 

Toggle out of the new Outlook for Windows preview – Microsoft Support

You can find the download path for the classic version of Outlook at this link:

You can’t open classic Outlook on a new Windows PC – Microsoft Support

If your issue is that you have already downloaded the classic version of Outlook, but it keeps automatically switching to the new Outlook, then you will need to change your program settings through the terminal.

1. Find the folder path in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\NewOutlookMigration (the username is the current system user’s name).

Quick access method: Win+R, paste into the Run window: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Outlook\NewOutlookMigration

(This is more reliable, adapts to the current system user)

2. Create a new text file named: handoff.txt

(The file does not need any content, it should be empty)

Then open Classic Outlook to confirm if it can open normally.

Quick way to create the file:

1. Win+R: cmd, type in the Command Prompt: echo. > “%localappdata%\Microsoft\Outlook\NewOutlookMigration\handoff.txt”

(After entering this command, there will be no prompt of success or failure)

2. PowerShell: New-Item -Path “$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Outlook\NewOutlookMigration\handoff.txt” -ItemType File

(This can also be used in the terminal on Win11)

I hope the above information is helpful to you!

Best regards

Yolanda – MSFT | Microsoft Community Support Specialist

Mobile Time Billing

There is an app for that

Mobile time billing is a vital part of legal practice. The Hours keeper app offers mobile timesheet creation on all major mobile devices. Walking into a client’s office for consultation, or attending a taxation at court, nothing is easier than tapping the start and stop on the Hours Keeper app.

  • Log accounts and parties
  • Start, pause, resume and stop timers
  • Multiple entries for matters
  • Easy export to spreadsheet
  • Import into Dynamic

Click here to get Hours Keeper


Software Update

Description: Extensive Quality of Life improvements
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 14 April 2020
Dynamic interface: Two


Extensive Quality of Life improvements have been implemented over the past several months. These are mostly based on end-user feed back. All basic functionality remains available. Visual triggers and reminders have been implemented to support end-users in daily activities.

Description: Client Billing Documents
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 14 April 2020
Dynamic interface: Two


A simple logic has been implemented which allows an immediate Pro Forma invoice to be generated, including Fee Book transactions. The formal Invoice and routine Statement has been streamlined to provide commercial invoicing capabilities to clients. Original functionality remains available.

Layout has been improved and the full 200 character transaction description now appears on itemized client billing documents.

Multi-VAT rate compliance is supported.

These changes have been affected based on end-user feedback. We would love to hear from you. 🙂


Windows Defender Folder Exclude

Windows 10 Updates change the way Windows works. Not only does the entire Operating System change from time to time, but the various components upgrade in between. Windows Defender was recently updated. This updated (March 2020) has changed the way Defender behaves.

We have previously written on why it is necessary to set folder exclusions and how to do so. That post can be found here.

The current procedure is hidden, but follows the same basic pattern.

NOTE: That accessing the Defender menu through the Control Panel does not work. The option for exclusion is not available there.

  • Start by finding the Defender shield icon in the icon tray
  • Scroll down to Virus & threat protection settings
    • Click Manage Settings
      • Scroll down to Exclusions
      • Click Add or remove exclusions
        • Click the + button to Add an exclusion, and select Folder

Browse to locate the folder to be excluded. For a standard installation this should be the local c:\Dynamic folder



Do not let current uncertainty undermine your professional independence or disrupt your business activities.

At the time of writing this, the future is uncertain. Small law firms are faced with the distressing thought that staff who interact every day, will not see each other for the next few days or weeks.

Dynamic was designed as an online integrated business & trust bookkeeping system, to be used in a geographically distributed working environment. Why work from home when you can work from anywhere?

Instead of having to ask someone else, or having to wait for someone to become available to supply a required report, simply log in and get the report you want, write up the fee in the Fee Book, issue the invoice. Don’t wait.


Five 9’s Uptime :)

We aim for 100% uptime, but the truth is, that is a very difficult objective to reach.

Uptime is a measure of reliability. When a user logs in, is the system available. Five-nines or 99.999% availability means 5 minutes, 15 seconds or less of downtime in a year.

We can only reference our own server’s availability. Unavailability caused by client-side issues are beyond our control.


For 2019, we were up 100% of the time. This quite an achievement and a lot of thanks go to our server support team. Well done!

We give ourselves a five star rating: ★★★★★

2019 uptime


During 2018, we experienced a few minor connectivity issues which were mostly related to hardware related updates. Even so, we had only partial down time on several dates. We were up and working almost always.

We give ourselves a four star rating: ★★★★

2018 uptime


The 2017 stats are no longer available, but server upgrades and other issues occasioned several downtime sessions, although these were all quickly resolved with no failed remote logins.

We give ourselves a four star rating: ★★★★

DOR Dynamic Online for working anywhere

Dynamic Mobile Online
Dynamic Mobile Online

As a hybrid cloud based solution Dynamic uses a familiar Windows user interface, with access to a range of Windows features, such as saving PDFs to the Documents folder and integrating with Microsoft Office components, such as Outlook and Excel.

But, sometimes you just need to check something.  What to do when your computer is not around, or it’s simply too much of a hassle to walk to the room and fetch it? Do you really need to switch on the computer to see whats going on? Or wait for the office to open to ask somebody to check?

Fortunately, Dynamic understands that sometimes you need easy online access.

Dynamic Online Reports

Dynamic has a light weight online access portal which allows basic activities on any mobile device.

Online means browser based.

Online means access anywhere.

Online means any device, at any time.


The online access portal is designed to provide focused access, restricting access and reports to client matters. Sensitive business information is not accessible. Transactions cannot be processed.


Ideally suited for easy access on the go, or limited to Reception or clerk level activities, the online access portal contains the following features:

  • Search – Find Files or Transactions
  • Ledger History Analysis
  • Fee Book
  • File Notes
  • General File Detail Report


Imagine a Receptionist, tasked with channeling income phone calls. The online access portal allows name searches, which displays sufficient information to accurately identify the reference and the attorney involved.

Routing is now easy.


The attorney walks into an important meeting. Accurate information is critical. The online access portal makes it easy to confirm the last transactions and read the most recent file notes. Afterwards a fee is immediately debited to the Fee Book.

On a cell phone.


Online accessibility makes it possible to work at any time, anywhere, on any mobile device.


Conditions apply. All current versions of major browsers are supported.



Dynamic as a productivity tool

Dynamic is designed to provide a compliant, integrated Business and Trust Accounting system for attorneys. But, simply distinguishing trust and business transactions is an easy task. That can even be done manually. The truth is that basic accounting is very simple indeed. But simplicity disappears immediately once custom demands are made of the accounting records. A manual system does not immediately and accurately yield a trial balance, cash book, or ledger report on a given day. Nor can a manual system effortlessly and error free provide multiple trust-to-business transfers during a month, a week or even the same day.

Of course, Dynamic can do all these things.

But there is more.

Dynamic can produce easy to read, custom management accounting reports combining business and trust transactions into a single net balance, combined with file activity.  Making it easy for management to see at a glance the state of any file.

Not only are reports streamlined on a file level, but high level overview reports provide a birds eye view, with a drill down to the individual transaction.

Whether you want to look at the data form a high level, to spot trends, or investigate a specific department, file, ledger, or transaction, this is all possible.

But there is more.

Productivity Tools

Dynamic supports a wide range of tools designed to increase productivity.

Productivity tools are designed to make tedious, repetitive tasks fast, easy, and reliable. By automating number crunching the risk of error is reduced, or even completely eliminated. Productivity here means to get more done in the time available.  If the same task could be performed manually, without rework or error, in the same time, we have achieved nothing.  So our benchmarks are clearly defined: speed in execution, accuracy, with no repetition or rework, and as few errors as possible.

Fee Book: Import Hours Keeper Timesheet

HoursKeeper Hours Keeper is a premier time tracking mobile app. And it’s compatible with Dynamic.

Effective time management, and eventually effective time billing is central to legal practice.

Keeping a timesheet is not enough, Timesheets should be

  • flexible
  • complement operations
  • easily integrate with the overall accounting system

Manual timesheets require paper, are often left on a desk in a private office and still require re-typing timesheet particulars to a billing sheet or system. The Hours keeper app makes it possible to keep accurate, up to the minute time billing sheets on a mobile device.

Dynamic makes it easy to import the Hours Keeper Timesheet directly into the Fee Book.

Hours Keeper is a market leader in mobile time keeping. Hours Keeper allows to record your daily working hours for each client, including your overtime and break time.

It current has a 3.5 out of 5 rating in the Apple App Store and 4.6 out of 5 on Google Play store for Android. Supporting both Apple and Android, makes it possible to capture accurate timesheet information on almost every smartphone. The app generates a CSV export file, which can be imported raw by Dynamic.  This means without any fiddling, the timesheet can be uploaded to the Fee Book.

tick purpleSpeed – beats a manual timesheet any day!

tick purple100% accurate. No errors in interpretation or conversion of data from timesheet to billing!

tick purpleNo repetition. No rework. Once the data is captured in the app, it can be imported as is into the Fee Book. Of course, editing the CSV file is possible… But why would you want to do that?

tick purpleError free.

And, once the data has been imported to the Fee Book, it can immediately be edited, or billed to a client! Reducing the time delay between finalizing the timesheet and billing to seconds!

Timesheets may be uploaded at any time.

Search for “HoursKeeper” in the Apple App Store or in the Google Play store.

Fee Book: Import from CSV

spreadsheet general
spreadsheet general

CSV is a multi-purpose, basic text file format which can be opened by any spreadsheet application. Think of a CSV file as a basic, text based spreadsheet. All the data, with none of the tricky hidden columns or display options. What you see is what you get.

This allows the import of Fees into the Fee Book.

A common application is to circulate spreadsheet with fees for a specific matter through the office to be edited and updated by everyone who worked on the matter.

Once complete, the file may then be imported into the Fee Book. Simply select Save As… in the spreadsheet app and choose CSV as the format. Don’t worry about the technical stuff like delimiters and text separators, we have that covered.

A sample file is located in the HelpFile.

tick purpleWhy do we use the Fee Book? Again speed, accuracy and simplicity are the key words. The Dynamic Fee Book is flexible and easy to use, making it the ideal control point for fees originating from various sources.

Dynamic applies a strict interpretation of the ISO8601 date format. Dates are imported in YYYY-MM-DD format only. Other date formats will be rejected.

HelpFile Please see the Help File for more information.

Core Accounting

Processing: Import from Fee Book

tick purpleFast, accurate and no repetition! That’s exactly what the Import from Fee Book does! Once a fee as has been captured into the Fee Book, it can easily be processed into the ledger. The design is intended to support the processing of multiple items simultaneous. No tedious re-typing or copy & paste involved. Processing directly from the Fee Book. And current VAT rates can be applied, while the original work done date will be remembered.

HelpFile Please see the Help File for more information.

Processing: Import from CSV

tick purpleCSV is a multi-purpose, basic text file format which can be opened by any spreadsheet application. Think of a CSV file as a basic, text based spreadsheet. All the data, with none of the tricky hidden columns or display options. What you see is what you get.

This allows the import ledger journal type transactions directly into the ledger. Suitable for Opening Balances.

A sample file is located in the HelpFile.

This feature uses the same CSV format as the Fee Book, but supports more transaction types, including Trust Journals.

HelpFile Please see the Help File for more information.

UDT: User Defined Transactions

UDTs are lists of transactions defined by the user, to be used in dropdown selectors, such as the Fee Book, to quickly and accurately process transactions. The main application is in the Fee Book.  Think of each UDT Plan as a menu of Fee Items available to select from.

UDTs can be managed from the Core module, using Config: Manage User Defined Transactions. The workflow is as follows:

  • Create a new UDT Plan. Each Plan has a name: John’s Corporate Fees
  • Add items to the Plan, eg Drafting Memorandum of understanding
  • Use the items from the Plan in the Fee Book
  • Import Items for a Plan from CSV. This CSV uses a simple format exactly like that displayed on screen:
    • Type, which must be BFA,
    • Narrative of up to 200 characters,
    • a Debit amount,
    • a Credit which must be 0,
    • Cascade value, set to A and
    • Order value of 1. Cascade and Order have not yet been implemented.

UDTs are defined in the Core module and activated by Refresh in the Front Desk.

HelpFile Please see the Help File for more information.

Tasks: Reconcile Cash Book – Advanced

This amazing feature allows semi-automated processing of CSV transaction history from the bank. Transactions are automatically allocated based on user selection.

Each bank uses their own format. The basic seven column import format is

Date, ACNO, VAT, VOUCHER, Description, Amount, Balance

These files must be edited by the user before import.

The columns ACNO, VAT, VOUCHER, may be left blank, but must be inserted into the source file.

A handy little tool is the CSVConvert application. This can be used to modify the raw file received from the bank into a format more import friendly.  CSVConvert is available from our Download page.

Dynamic applies a strict interpretation of the ISO8601 date format. To accommodate different date formats, either dd-mm-yyyy or YYYY-MM-DD (ISO8601), Dynamic allows a date format specification. Please see the Bank Account settings.

The ability to pre-set VAT selection on ledger accounts is not only a great time saver, but also prevents processing errors.

tick purpleDirect processing from bank transaction history to cash book!

tick purpleAccurate ledger allocation!

tick purplePre-set VAT selection!

tick purpleNo fuss, easy and accurate bank reconciliation. Exactly what you expect.

HelpFile Please see the Help File for more information.

Software Update

Description: Fee Tracker
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 21 August 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


Fee Tracker
Fee Tracker

Fee Tracker is a visual production metric report. Designed to monitor productivity, it provides insight into several key performance indicators. This report is emailed to the operator using MSO_Notify and MS Outlook.

Fee Tracker provides an easily readable graphic report, in vibrant colours, easily read on a mobile phone.

Metrics are productivity focused and include:

  • Fees: Month to Date
  • Fees: Year to Date Analysis
  • Monthly Fee Target
  • Billing Rates: Day and File
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Fee Book

End User display is dependent on the device used.


  • Config > System Configuration. The My Dynamic tab requires a valid email address in the Email Report box.
  • Budget Target for each Income account: Open or Amend Nominal Ledger accounts
  • Requires local installation of MS Outlook.


Description: Fee Book: Import Hours Keeper Timesheet
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 21 August 2019
Dynamic interface: Two



Hours Keeper is a leading mobile productivity app.  It allows capturing time to the minute for any range of activities.  The new functionality allows importing the Hours Keeper timesheet from CSV directly into the Fee Book, where it can then be further manipulated. This is a great step for mobile time tracking and billing!

The design is such that the default Hours Keeper downloaded CSV can be imported into Dynamic directly. No need to edit the CSV before import!

Available on the Apple App Store and from Google PlayStore for Android.


Description: VAT ledger account pre-setting
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 21 August 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


Pre-setting accounts to accommodate for VAT is now possible. Example a specific ledger account, such Salaries & Wages should default to No VAT. This is now possible. User override remains possible.


Description: VAT settings
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 21 August 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


Setting VAT once will now roll out to all users. Access Config as usual, change as necessary, Okay to save. Then Refresh Bookset & Folders to get VAt settings from cloud.




Unknown Trust Deposits

The Problem

The Trust Banking Account is subject to uncontrolled deposits by Third Parties.  This simply means that persons who do not appreciate the integrity of the lawyers trust banking account may make deposits directly to that account beyond the scope of our control.

Before the advent of internet banking, trust cash was received at the reception counter, and an accounts clerk or bookkeeper’s assistant receipted the money to various ledger accounts and made up a bank deposit.  We had total control of all funds deposited.

Internet banking has changed all of this.

Once our banking details have been published, there is no control over the amounts deposited into, or references used (or lack thereof) on our accounts.

This leads to a sharp rise in deposits into the trust banking account where the owner of the money so deposited cannot be identified.


Unallocated trust funds may in fact be the payment of an outstanding bill. Leaving it as an unknown trust deposit creates both an unnecessary administrative burden on the trust, and it means that payment cannot be matched to an outstanding bill.


A management solution

In order to provide for a simple management regime governing unknown trust deposits, it is suggested to use separate accounts for each year.

Name the account “2019 Unknown Trust Deposits“. With the purpose that all unknown trust deposits for the given year will be reflected against this account. Subsequently the age of these individual transactions and the reconciled balance may be easily verified.  Start a new account for each new year.


Aggressive management of the trust banking account is essential.

  • Bank to Cash Book reconciliation should be conducted dynamically and not once a quarter. Weekly of at least monthly reconciliation provides the shortest window periods between actual transactions and the processing/reconciliation process.
  • Unknown Deposits are typically classified as unknown because we simply lack sufficient information to accurately identify the client and allocate the transaction accurately. Additional tools such as Invoice Trackers, Age Analyses and direct client contact should make identification of the deposits easier.


By aggressively managing trust deposits by using short time cycles and management tools, the number and value of unknown trust deposits may be sharply reduced, reducing the administrative burden and releasing cash into the system.




How to Exclude your Dynamic from Virus Scan

We have written before about the different reasons why Dynamic may get flagged as a false positive on virus scans. Few things can be as annoying as coming back to your work computer and finding that your shortcut has disappeared because an anti-virus application decided your software is not safe for you to use.

Dynamic has certain built-in features which can trigger anti-virus software diagnostics to make false positive matches.  These include

  • Quick Update – Dynamic makes it easy for users to update their software over the internet. This is a great time-saving feature, and guarantees that the most recent update is only a click away, without relying on specialized IT support.  However, anti-virus software designers tend to take a dim view of software with download capabilities.  The zip file (it’s always a zip file) is described as a “payload” and because it originates on the internet, automatically defined as malicious. Well, it’s not.
  • Bundled file distribution – Dynamic applications act like self-extracting zip files, containing everything they need to go operational immediately.  This means that when you run a Dynamic executable file in a folder, it will immediately create any missing files, such as the DLLs (dynamic link library’s) used to supply run-time functionality.  This features allows smaller and faster updates, and only writes to the local folder. Much the same case as with the Quick Update feature, anti-virus software designers unfortunately tend to take a dim view of software with self-extracting capabilities.  These files are extracted silently in the background. And only to the local folder.
  • Microsoft Windows Outlook integration – Dynamic provides Microsoft Outlook integration.  Dynamic sends email through Outlook.  The local user gets to use their own primary email account as the Dynamic sender account. Outgoing mail can be seen in the Outbox and Sent Items. Again, anti-virus software designers tend to take a dim view of software with Outlook integration capabilities. This is typically flagged as MachineLearning. 🙂
  • PDF document generation creates new content. Client Billing, such as invoices are generated at a speed of approximately one every 3 seconds. These documents are written to the %documents% folder. However, certain anti-virus software considers this malicious activity and blocks the creation of the PDF.

AVAST Anti-virus interferes with file creation
AVAST Anti-virus interferes with file creation

Dynamic installs into a single folder. Typically c:\Dynamic\mylawfirm and installs it’s required files and folders here.  Specifically no registry keys are written or read.

It should be noted that a common threat detection mechanism is to scan for files which did not originate on the local computer.  This is done by scanning the “data stream” of each file. As Dynamic software is internet delivered, it is a tell tale sign that the files are indeed foreign. But not malicious.

Once operational, Dynamic creates folders for each matter in the Documents user folder. Again no registry keys are written or read.

Windows Defender False Positive
Windows Defender False Positive

Note that this screen grab shows the same target, identified by Windows Defender as three different threats.

Add an exclusion to Windows Security

Set Windows Defender Exclusions
Set Windows Defender Exclusions

Since May 2019 we noticed increased instances of false positive detection by Windows Defender. This coincides with Windows 10 Updates.

Other anti virus applications that are known react very harshly to our products include Kaspersky, Norton, Avira and Avast. Please set exceptions. Do not Quarantine or Delete, just Allow Always.

We have taken remedial action to safeguard the relevant modules.  This seems to make Windows Defender happy and has reduced the number of false positive hits.  Users are encouraged to use the Quick Update feature and use at least version

Our software is scanned by Eset’s Nod32 and Malwarebytes prior to release.

If you do have problems, we would like to hear from you.


Software Update

Description: SMS capability
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 6 March 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


The system can send user initiated and semi-automated, or scheduled SMS messages.  Updates to File Notes and Fee Book can be selected.  End User specific information follows. Look for the SMS widget on the Fee Book. 🙂



Description: Processing: Bulk Trust to Business Transfers
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 5 March 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


The standard layout has been modified to include the Account Name, and now prints landscape.


Description: Processing: Import from CSV
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 4 March 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


The Processing: Import from CSV menu item allows the direct processing of transactions from a pre-formatted, prepared CSV file.

The file must follow a layout similar to this:

A Sample CSV file is included in the manual.

BookType Users familiar with import of batch transactions in any suite of legal software should be comfortable with this type of file and layout.



Streamlined User Experience

One touch control.  What more could you ask for?

Software has come a long way since the first Graphic User Interface for Windows more than 30 years ago. User experience design (UX, UXD, UED or XD) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product.

A Streamlined User Experience

Dynamic is designed to provide a streamlined User Experience. Most User Interfaces have very few components. Think of any report screen: date selectors, account number inputs are limited, or does not exist. This does not mean that these selectors are not important or required.

less is more

On the contrary, the underlying design logic of Dynamic is one of less is more. The values required do exist, but are simply hidden from the user. Where necessary these controls are displayed, but instead of crowding the user with a multitude of rainbow buttons that serve no useful purpose, the streamlined design is focused on providing a one-touch user interface.

Control rests with the user. And that control is provided through a clever, streamlined design which takes into account typical reporting requirements and user expectations.

Are you sure? 

Most Dynamic screens contain one touch options.

These options include the Print icon, or the Save To Disk (spreadsheet) icon.

Example: Dynamic generates all reports to PDF. There is a single click print icon, which creates a PDF document immediately. This PDF can be printed, emailed or deleted.
Quick, easy and direct. No irritating Are you sure? popups to annoy. 🙂

You have the control and a single button. That is all you need.



Dynamic REST API v1 Cover

Dynamic REST API v1

We are proud to announce the release of Version 1 of the Dynamic REST API.

Dynamic REST API v1 Cover
Dynamic REST API v1 Cover

The Dynamic REST API is purpose built to facilitate integration and Third Party light weight app development.

The Dynamic REST API .CHM Help File will see public release soon. In order to use this API a set of credentials must be obtained.


Softwate Update

Description: Alphanumeric account numbers
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 4 December 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


This change allows client account numbers in the range #A0000-#ZZZZZ.  It expands the Dynamic Chart of Accounts to over 1 million possible account numbers. Accounts remain a standard five characters in length.

Nominal accounts remain in the range #90000-#99999.

It is recommended that client accounts in the range #00000-#89999 be used for accounts which form part of the trust, such bank charges or interest, or other trust control purposes.  These accounts should not be used for Trust Transfer Control.

It is recommended that client accounts in the range #A0000-#ZZZZZ be used for clients.  A suggest application would be to use an account such as #ABC00 for a client master account, with the subsequent accounts #ABC01, #ABC02, #ABC03 etc as individual matter accounts for the client..


Description: Quality of Life improvements
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 4 December 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


  • Smoother User-Interface workflow.
  • Thousand separator spaces for all currency display, such as 123 456 789.128.
  • Additional calculation display for VATable transactions.
  • Bank Recon import has been streamlined.
  • Client Balance List now displays only accounts with balances. Zero balance accounts are ignored.


Description: Transaction Narrative
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 6 December 2019
Dynamic interface: Two


Transaction narratives are now a standard 200 characters in length.  Please note however that most report only display approximately 35-65 characters at a time.

Certain reports such as Diagnostic and Ledger History reports will allow browsing these narratives on screen by scrolling, and exporting to CSV for use in spreadsheet applications (the disk icon) will display the entire narrative.


Description: Send Debit Notes Bulk
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 6 December 2019
Dynamic interface: Two, Front Desk


Statements and Invoices are retained.

A new Debit Note item has been implemented.  Just like Statements, the Debit Note reflects Fee Book entries.  It is not an invoice, but reflects disbursements paid from trust.

The Debit note follows a typical Bill of Cost layout, with separation of Fees and Disbursements and amounts showed net of VAT (if applicable).  In addition, this report will also export the entire narrative to CSV.

Watch this space!

A new update is coming!

New version is expected to release any day now!

What is in the new version?

Several new features, with a lot more to come!  The new version creates a new kind of connection framework. This is based on a server side API which will make it easy to integrate Dynamic with a variety of other software solutions.  Some of these may take time, but the framework is now being implemented.


  • Alpha-numeric account numbers, such as “A1234” or “ABC12” are now possible.  The current Chart of Accounts remains in tact, but the additional account number ranges mean that the system now allows up to 1.5 million client accounts. Accounts remain a standard five characters in length.
  • Smoother User-Interface workflow.
  • Thousand separator spaces for all currency display, such as 1 234 567.98.
  • Additional calculation display for VATable transactions.
  • Bank Recon import has been streamlined.
  • Client Balance List now displays only accounts with balances. Zero balance accounts are ignored.


When will this update be available?

Right Now! Use the Quick Update feature to upgrade now!


Agents Journals

Applies to Front Desk

Processing: Agents Journals

Dynamic is an integrated Trust and Business accounting system, and all standard transaction processing functions are possible in the Core module. To facilitate workflow and allow non-accounting staff to capture transaction details directly onto the system, Dynamic’s Front Desk provides a handy little processing screen for Agents’ Journals.

Law firms represent clients and act as an agent on behalf of the principle.  Often third parties are contracted to provide specific professional services which the law firm does not provide directly, such as using Tracing Agents or Private Investigators to find missing persons, or Expert Witnesses to provide research or courtroom evidence. There are many possibilities.

Front Desk, under Processing: Agents Journals.

Agents Journals processing screen
Agents Journals processing screen


  • For ease of use the screen is color coded.
  • Start by Selecting the relevant Agents List from the first dropdown. (Top left)
  • Then Select the Agent you wish to use from that list.
  • Notice that the Contra account box will show the the Agents’ account number and the Rearview will immediately update to show recent transactions.  Check the entries to prevent duplicates.
  • Select the client account number you wish to use. Remember the search General Search is always available here.
  • Notice that the Debit account box will show the client account number and the Rearview will immediately update to show recent transactions.  Check the entries to prevent duplicates.
  • Document Properties should be completed based on the document received back from the agent.
    The Agent’s Reference should appear on the Agent’s report. This makes matching source documents to transaction entries easy.
    Document Type refers to the type of document provided by the Agent, such as a Report, or an Invoice.
    Status of the document implies the result contained in the Agent’s report.
  • The document Date refers to the date the document was issued by the Agent.  This is especially important when dealing with Court dates.  The Processing Date should be the date on which we process this transactions, normally Today.
  • The Amount is the total amount owing the Agent.
  • If we are entitled to an allowance, enter the applicable percentage, and Dynamic will calculate the value and process same as a Fee.
  • Click Accept the process.

Remember to Refresh Bookset & Folders to get the latest lists!


Server Downtime

The DynamicLTA Two cloud server will be taken down for routine maintenance for approximately two hours on Saturday 6 October 2018.


Downtime is scheduled for two hours, starting from 15:00 on Saturday 6 October 2018.


The nature of the downtime is routine and scheduled.

For the duration of the downtime Dynamic Two will not be accessible.


Software Update

Description: Reconcile Cash Book Import – Advanced
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 28 September 2018
Dynamic interface: Two, Core


The import of Transaction History from bank statements has been refined with this new feature.

  1. Select the Character Separated Values (CSV) option from the Transaction History Download.
  2. CSV files may now contain either comma or semi-colon characters as field delimiters.
  3. Standard sequence of columns are retained:
    Date, Account, VAT, Voucher, Description, Transaction, Balance.
  4. The user columns, Account, VAT, Voucher may be left blank.
  5. A library of Search Text may be built for each bank, which allows correct allocation of bank charges and interest to designated ledger accounts.

The standard Reconcile Cash Book Tick and Click and Reconcile Cash Book Import – Basic have been retained unchanged.


Description: Send Statements Bulk
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 16 September 2018
Dynamic interface: Two, Core


Selection logic has been refined to unsure that Statements are only sent where there are transactions in overview, or an opening balance which is not nil.  This will effectively prevent zero statements from being sent, unless transactions occur in the overview.


Description: Connection Error Checking
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 16 September 2018
Dynamic interface: Two, Core, Front Desk


Application wide Connection Error Checking has been improved.  In the event of a fatal exception occurring or a fatal, non-recoverable error, a notice will not appear on the Console and Dynamic will close immediately.  In the event of such a fail safe system shutdown, it is recommended to restart your computer.  If this occurs again, please contact support.


Description: File Notes
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 12 September 2018
Dynamic interface: Two, Core,  Front Desk


A standardized report header has been added to the File Notes dialogue.  This forms part of a larger scheme introducing SDK type functions for use by external applications.

Software Update

Description: Reconcile Cash Book Import – Basic
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 10 August 2018
Dynamic interface: Two, Core


This function requires user intervention before it can be used, but simplifies the entire processing procedure and avoids mistakes.

The Character Separated Values (CSV) file uses a semicolon as a field delimiter.  Three columns need to be added

  • Account
  • Voucher
  • VAT

Transactions are posted directly to the relevant Ledger Account and Cash Book, and reconciled on the import date.

Feedback  has been overwhelmingly positive.

Description: Fee Book
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 10 August 2018
Dynamic interface: Two, Core & Front Desk


A few minor changes have improved the user Fee Book experience.

Description: Diagnostic Reports
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 6 August 2018
Dynamic interface: Two, Core


The recent reporting cycle has yielded the usual number for support requests.  Due to specific requests concerning diagnostic reports, basic layout and printing was reviewed.  Functionality remains unchanged, but reports have received additional features and capabilities.  Specifically the Diagnostic Report – Summary All Transactions now features additional TOTAL and CUMULATIVE columns.

In addition spreadsheet exports have been streamlined.

Description: ISO-8601 Date format subset
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 1 August 2018
Dynamic interface: Two, Core & Front Desk


Under certain circumstances it could have been possible for a user to process transactions with invalid dates.  Dynamic uses dates in standard yyyy-mm-dd format, but the processing of transactions allow short format date input like dd-mm-yyyy (01-08-2018).  This update means that a faulty transaction will be rejected instead of being processed to the ledger.

Description: Quick Update
Status: Effective immediately NEW
Date: 31 July 2018
Dynamic interface: One


The Quick Update feature, which allows users to update their current installations by simply clicking on the menu item, has been implemented in the DynamicLTA One solution.

All DynamicLTA One users are encouraged to update their products immediately.

As the current (older) versions do not support this feature, this requires a manual download as before.  However, as soon as the new version has been activated, all future DynamicLTA One users can benefit from the same easy to use and seamless upgrades available to DynamicLTA Two users.

See this link for more info on the Quick Update process

Quick Update

How does the Quick Update work?

Quick Update is a built-in feature which allows users to download and install new versions of the software as it becomes available.

Open Dynamic
Type PIN
Skip Cloud password
Click Utility ➜ Quick Update
Wait for the update to complete (approximate 3 minutes)
Dynamic will re-open after the update
Type PIN
Type Cloud password
Click Utility ➜ Refresh Bookset & Folders

Once the Refresh is complete, you may continue.


Business Cash Forecast

Business Cash Flow Forecast
Business Cash Forecast

Dynamic Two allows for an up-to-date Business Cash Forecast. Managing Business Cash is a key consideration for any business.

This is a Business management report that deals specifically with cash on hand, and takes into consideration Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Expenses paid.  This results in a forecast of the cash we can expect to hold at the end of our month.

Learn to manage the business by looking at this report daily, and keeping track of up-to-date changes to the cash in the business.

Much like a weather forecast this depends on a wide variety of factors, and is only a forecast.  As a management tool it is intended to give management an instant high-level glimpse of the financial prospects of the business.

This only affects the Business, as the Trust does not have an income or cash flow.


Software Update

Description: Ledger History Report
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 30 July 2018


The Ledger History Report (LHR) allows for browsing a specific ledger between dates.

Various cosmetic changes are being implemented.  Functionality remains the same.  Look out for future updates as this report receives more attention.

The standard Ledger History Analysis and Ledger History Report have been retained.


Description: Fee Book
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 30 July 2018


The Fee Book has been updated based on user feedback.  Functionality remains the same.  Specific attention was given to the Fee Book Entries and Fee Book Manage functions to allow for a more streamlined and colorful user experience.


Software Update

Description: Ledger History Statement View
Status: Effective immediately NEW 
Date: 12 April 2018


The Ledger History Statement View (LHSV) is a special Ledger History type report that provides diagnostic information on Statement transactions.  To see the invoice status, or VAT % of a specific entry, please use the Statement View.  In addition the LHSV will include any Fee Book transactions which may apply.

The standard Ledger History Analysis and Ledger History Report have been retained.


Description: Client Investment Balance List PDF rotated to A4 Landscape
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 30 April 2018


Additional information was added to the Client Investment Balance List and a landscape lay-out fits the report better.


Description: Client Balance List PDF cleaned up
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 5 May 2018


The Client Balance List PDF received some TLC to improve lay-out and readability.


Description: Management Snapshot extended
Status: Effective immediately
Date: 11 June 2018


A business cash management section was added to the Management Snapshot.  In addition to current functionality, this allows instant access to a summarized business cash management report.


Description: “Quote” type added to the Fee Book
Status: Effective immediately  NEW 
Date: 19 June 2018


A new fee type “Quote” has been added to the Fee Book.  This makes it possible to issue quotations as pro forma Statements directly from the Fee Book, or use the option as a place holder for provisional disbursements.

Contingency, To be Reviewed and To be Taxed options remain.



Search on a Processing Console screen

Search options on a Console processing screen
Search options on a Console processing screen

The Dynamic Console Processing screen allows for interactive information search and display.


When processing transactions it is important to be able to see accurate, up-to-date information immediately.  Find the correct account number to process against and avoiding mistakes and duplicate transactions are important.  Dynamic provides several tools to make processing quick, easy and error free.


All processing screens allow for multiple search options.


SEARCH The magnifying glass, on the right hand side of the screen represents the general Search option.  This allows standard and extended searches on a variety of data fields, including, but not limited to the file name, parties, email and legacy numbers.  This is the most powerful search available and should locate any file on a variety of criteria.  Returning from a successful search will automatically update the Account number input.



QUICK SEARCH The Quick Search requires at least four (4) characters to search.  This is handy for on-screen searches on information such as legacy numbers or client references.  Selecting an item from the drop down list will automatically update the Account number input.  This search is designed to facilitate posting.  Searches are limited, but very fast.

GUIDE DATE The Guide Date Date Control Selector is useful and optional, but handy for processing on a specific date.  Common use includes backdated transactions, such as capturing year end or audit correction entries, or finalizing a previous month end.  For normal, up-to-date processing this control may be ignored.

REAR VIEW MIRROR The onscreen Rear view Mirror updates automatically with the current account.  It includes a header with ordinary file information, such as the client and party names, the legacy number and department and file type.  It also shows the last few transactions and current balance on the account.  This short report is intended to facilitate processing and prevent duplicate transactions.


These Dynamic tools provide a powerful user dialogue to facilitate accurate and easy transaction processing.


What is Continuous Ledger and why is it important?

Commercial Accounting Systems

Commercial accounting systems are typically designed around period based reporting.  The emphasis is the month, the quarter or the year.  For Financial reporting this works well and is an established concept.

Where reports are required spanning multiple reporting periods, especially over several years, these must either be sourced from backups, or kept in a paper file, forcing the retention of a secondary data source.

DynamicLTA’s Continuous Ledger

However, with trust accounts, reporting is often not limited to a short term reporting period.  Accounts may run over many years.

DynamicLTA uses a Continuous Ledger which allows for multi-year on year reporting from a single system, without losing data or archiving transaction while an account is still active!

Time is not an issue when an account is opened on DynamicLTA.  Even if transactions cover a date range of ten years or more, DynamicLTA will consistently and accurately reflect the relevant transactions as processed.  The cash books will not overflow, the ledger will not be over populated and the system will keep on working.

DynamicLTA provides typical Financial Reports on dates and for selected periods, such as a Financial Year, or information spanning multiple years with full transactions details in a single report!


The image below is a screen grab of a DynamicLTA Ledger Report in PDF.  It shows the Continuous Ledger in action, with transactions spanning multiple years.

Continuous Ledger shows transactions spanning multiple years
Continuous Ledger shows transactions spanning multiple years

The Advantages of Continuous Ledger

Continuous Ledger means that all transactions belonging to a specific account will always be available in a single report.

Transaction level data will not be lost or obscured by system driven “closed periods” which make transactions disappear.

Transaction level data is retained through-out the system.  Individual ledger accounts and cash books all show each transaction entry separately.  “Opening and Closing” balances are run-time calculations.  Transactions are not automatically lost with the passage of time.

Drill-down from a summary report such as a Trial Balance, right down to the individual transaction on a specific account is possible on any date.

With legal work, data retention requirements often stipulate that data retention period calculation runs from the data of completion of a mandate.  This means that data must be retained for a set time after the final transaction was captured.  Which can be a substantial amount of time after the mandate was originally received.  Continuous Ledger means that these transactions will remain intact.

Its not just limited to a specific individual account!  All transactions are reflected in different diagnostic and user reports.  Looking for a specific receipt in the past? Its possible, its still there.
